First-Ever Whitetail Buck

My name is Shawn, and I hail from Saskatchewan, Canada. I’m a proud member of the WiseEye team, and I couldn’t be more thrilled with these cameras. Recently, a friend of mine expressed an interest in deer hunting, and I offered to guide him through the entire process.

On September 1, 2023, we deployed the WiseEye camera to assist us in scouting the area and locating our target bucks. By September 16, we had captured an image of a nice buck, one that had become one of our prime targets.

Come October 1st, during the muzzleloader season opener, we ventured out to our blind, hoping for a stroke of luck. After observing does and fawns throughout the morning, our targeted buck finally made its appearance. The pictures below, courtesy of the Wiseeye, will be cherished memories for my friend, marking his first-ever whitetail buck. The first image captures the anticipation as he waited for the broadside shot, while the second image encapsulates every hunter’s dream: a successful impact.

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