Register for Your Shared Account

Why do I need to register?

Another HuntControl user has shared access to some of their images/cameras with you. The email that they entered for you was not associated with any existing HuntControl account. We need to create you an account so you can log in to view the shared content. This is completely free, we just need the information below to set up your account and you will get a confirmation email when setup is complete. 

Is there a cost to view shared HuntControl content? 

No, sharing content with other users is included with all of our plans. If you are only viewing shared cameras/images it is free. 

What if I already have a HuntControl Account? 

If you already have an account then do not register below. Make sure that the user that is sharing access with you has entered the correct email address. If you believe they have, and you still can not view their shared content, please email us at, let us know their email and your email so we can get it fixed for you. 

HuntControl LoginMy Account